Saturday, June 20, 2009

Yorkie pictures

Puddin' is a good example of her breed, considering that she is not quite 6 months old. She's cute, spunky, intelligent, and cheeky...a true terrier. I've taken regular pictures of her in the months I've had her, and share some of them with you now:


  1. what a cute puppy. I had a black lab but he's gone now. My hubby still can't find it in his heart to "replace" him (as he likes to call getting another dog.)

  2. LOL--that puppy is waaaay to cute, isn't that illegal?

  3. whoa.. it's a cutie. This puppy reminds me of my LOST babie. :( & although she doesn't get dressed up like this but I still miss her :D Lovely Puppy.. Take Good Care

  4. I know the breed well and she's cute as a button. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  5. Cute as can be. I have had yorkies for years. There's nothing comparable.:)


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